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Pineville Community Athletic Association

Pineville Community Athletic Association

PCAA Minors Division (Ages 9 – 10)


The Minors division is the first level of “kid pitch” baseball. Players pitch from a distance of 46 feet. We teach pitching fundamentals and also focus on the importance of the catcher position. Every other aspect of the game is reviewed and reinforced with the goal of developing each player to his or her fullest potential. This division is also the first opportunity for players to begin stealing bases. No leadoffs are allowed.


Boys & Girls ages 9-10.  (Link to Age Chart)


Practice & Games

Minors teams practice one night during the week for 90 minutes.

Games are played on Saturday plus some weeknights and last approximately 2-hours.

PCAA also schedules competition against other surrounding baseball recreational programs.

Most practices and home games are held at Pineville Memorial Ballpark. Away games are only a short drive within the Charlotte area.


Evaluations & Draft

All players are evaluated by coaches at the start of each season to determine their skill level. Players are then privately ranked based on the evaluation results. Finally, coaches draft players in an effort to create balanced teams and fair competition.


Minors Field Dimensions:

The base paths are 60 feet.

Pitching distance is 46-feet from front of rubber to back of home plate.


Field Setup

Home team lines field prior to each game and uses 1st base dugout.

Visiting team drags the field after completion of the game.


Rules & Regulations

The Minors Division is guided by Official Baseball Rules (OBR) and Babe Ruth League Baseball Rules & Regulations.

PCAA has instituted "Local League Rules" as an age specific overlay for the Minors Division.


Local League Rules - Minors Division

Time Limits: 

6 innings.  No new inning started after 1 hour 50 minutes.  


Rain Outs:

Games terminated due to weather will be made up as soon as possible.

A game is official after 4 complete innings.


Suspended Games:

PCAA will follow the situational specific procedures and guidelines detailed in Rule 4.12 of the Babe Ruth League - Official Playing Rules.


Game Preliminaries:    

Minors division coaches will use a continuous batting order.

Games may be started with 8 players.  Players from a lower division may be “called up” to play ONLY IF the team would have fewer than 9 players without those players.

The substitute players MUST bat last in the lineup and may ONLY play outfield positions.  

A player from a different team within the division may be used as above ONLY when playing a cross-association game. The Division Commissioner should be notified by the coach when this occurs.

No player may sit out on the bench twice before every other player has sat one time.


Starting and Ending a Game:

If a game is started with less than 9 players then the missing 9th player in the batting order will be an automatic out.  (With 8 players, the opposing coach has the option to waive the automatic out rule as a gesture of good sportsmanship.  With 7 or fewer the team must take the automatic out.) If the 9th player arrives late they will be inserted at the bottom of the line-up and if the automatic out rule is in effect, it will be discontinued.

If a player is injured during the game and unable to play the game can continue with less than 9 players and the automatic out rule will not be in effect.

If a player starts a game and leaves without injury the automatic out rule will be in effect if the roster falls below 9 players as a result. (An opposing coach continues to have the option to waive the automatic out rule as a gesture of good sportsmanship. See above for less than 8)


Run Limits:

Inning run limits are as follows:

  • 1st inning - 3 run max per team
  • Innings 2 and 3 - 5 run max per team
  • Innings 4-6 - NO run limits

In an inning where the run limit has been reached, that play shall be allowed to finish. Only three or five runs will count.  

The "10 Run Rule" applies after 4 innings. 

Playing Rules:

All players must wear a protective athletic cup for all practices and games.

No infield fly rule in this division.

Minors regular season games are played with one umpire.

If no umpires are present, game may be delayed up to 10 minutes while waiting for arrival.  If no umpire arrives then one party from each team will be chosen to call the game from behind the pitcher’s mound.  Volunteers will call the game during their team’s offensive half of an inning.

All players must play at least one inning in the infield per game as well as pitch at least one inning per season.  


Slash Bunt:

A batter is out for illegal action when the player fakes a bunt and then takes a full swing.  PENALTY – Batter is out, the ball is dead, no runners may advance.


Base Running:

Base runners may not take a lead and can only steal after the pitched ball crosses home plate. 


Pitching Limitations:

PCAA has elected to follow modified "Pitch Smart" guidelines for all levels of competition.

More information on the MLB led initiative can be found at this web link:


There are no limitations on the number of innings a pitcher may pitch in a game subject to the following pitch count limitations:




 AGE - 9-11






0 Days     1 Day     2 Days    3 Days    4 Days


1-30         31-45     46-60       61-75       76+


If the pitcher reaches the maximum pitch count limit while facing a batter, he may continue to pitch until the batter reaches base safely or is put out





Key "Pitch Smart" Rules:

Minors = 75 daily max pitches per day.

Pitchers MUST rest the appropriate number of full calendar days based on the number of pitches thrown, as shown in the table above.

Players may not return as pitchers once removed from the mound.

No player shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three (3) consecutive days, regardless of pitch count.

Pitches thrown during a game that doesn't become "official" for any reason must still be added to a pitchers total count for the day.

Player's who are "baseball age 8" and "playing up" will be capped to 50 max pitches per day as outlined by "Pitch Smart" guidelines.

The head coach for each team must ensure individual pitch totals are recorded in their official scorebook for pitchers on BOTH teams.

Scorebooks will be made available to the opposing team and league officials to ensure compliance with "Pitch Smart" upon request.


Additional Pitching Rules:

The pitcher must take signs from the catcher, while standing on the rubber.

Intentional walks can be made with zero pitches by requesting the umpire award the batter first base.

There are no balks in this division.

A pitcher must be removed if a second trip is made to the mound within the same inning. Note: A coach will NOT be charged a mound visit if a pitcher appears to suffer an injury on a play and requires attention. Confirm with umpire it's an "injury visit" while approaching pitcher.

Any game in which an illegal pitcher has been used shall be declared forfeited. However, the withdrawl of an illegal pitcher before throwing a pitch to a batter shall not be considered a violation. Coaches are urged to closely monitor player pitch counts and avoid forfeited game.

A pitcher will be removed from pitching the remainder of the game if he/she hits 3 total batters.

If PCAA grants a "playing down" exemption to an 11-year-old player for Minors, that player is prohibited from pitching at the lower level.



Dropped 3rd strike rule does NOT apply to this division.

Player's must wear a mask while warming up the pitcher.


Bat Requirements:

All non-wood bats must have USABat Marking.

Barrel Maximum – 2 5/8

Hitting with an illegal bat will result in the batter being out.  This rule can be enforced from the point the batter enters the batters box and until the next batter receives their first pitch.



All ejections of coaches will be reviewed by the Commissioner, VP of Baseball and PCAA President. In most instances ejections will result in a 3 game suspension.

If it happens a second time in the season, they will not be permitted to coach at PCAA for the remainder of the season in any age group and will be disqualified from coaching a PCAA-sponsored “All-Stars" or Tournament Teams.

Coaches must conduct themselves in accordance with the PCAA Code of Conduct.


Dugouts and fields:

Home team lines field before game and uses 1st base dugout.

Visiting team rakes and drags field after game.

One game ball per team to be supplied by each coach at the beginning of the game.

One ball is returned to each coach at the completion of the game and distributed as a “game ball” for a top player.


Player Safety:

No head first slides except back to base.  Keep bats and gear off the playing field.

If there is a play at home plate, runners must slide AND avoid aggressive contact with the catcher. One warning per game, then if a runner does not slide and there’s a “play at the plate” the runner is ruled out. To be clear, a runner does not need to slide if there is no play at home plate.

A player at-bat must step out of the batter’s box and away from the plate when there is a play at home.  Runner will be called out if the umpire deems there was interference with the play.

A player who throws a bat after hitting the ball will be issued a warning by the umpire. That player will be ejected from the game if the bat is thrown again. An umpire has the option to eject the player after the first occurrence in a game if serious injury occurs or the batter is a known repeat offender.



All parties must conduct themselves in accordance with the PCAA Code of Conduct outlined below.

Players must not leave the dugout without the permission of the coach. 

The team dugout is intended for players, coaches and parent helpers designated by the head coach.

No siblings or friends should be in the dugout during the game.



All protests must be clearly announced to the opposing coach and the umpire prior to the next pitch being thrown.  Protest must be brought to the attention of the Commissioner immediately following completion of the game.

Judgment calls by the umpire are not grounds for protest.

Protest will be heard and decided by the Commissioner, VP of Baseball and PCAA President.



Obvious violation of the rules or continued violation of the rules after being brought to the coach’s attention shall result in the forfeit of the game.


Tournament Details

The end of each season will culminate in a single elimination tournament.

All of the regular season rules above apply except the following:

Maximum playing time is extended to 1-hour and 55 -minutes in an effort to ensure a full game is completed. No new inning started after 1-hour and 55-minutes. 

"10 Run Rule" still applies.

Substitute players for tournament games can ONLY be “called up” from lower leagues.

No tied games. Extra innings are used when necessary to determine a winner even if umpires need to leave. One volunteer from each team should become umpires in this unlikely scenario


PCAA Code of Conduct & Sportsmanship Focus

PCAA asks all players, parents and coaches to demonstrate good sportsmanship and maintain a positive attitude while participating in our programs.


We believe mutual respect between players, coaches, parents and umpires forms the foundation of a fun environment for learning and friendly competition.

Swearing or foul language is prohibited during PCAA games and practices.

Umpires should NOT be spoken to beyond “small talk” unless within an official coaching or score keeping capacity.

Parents and players are prohibited from addressing the umpire in an unsportsmanlike or disrespectful manner. Failure to follow this rule will result in parents or players being ejected and removed from the sports facility.

Coaches are allowed to calmly discuss a call with an umpire who is willing to have that conversation but when possible this should happen in between innings.

Any dugout chanting or chatter should only be directed at teammates and be in the utmost positive light. Failure to follow this rule will result in that team’s forfeit and immediate cancellation of the game.

If there is an injury on the field all players should be instructed to “take a knee” until play is resumed.


Pineville Community Athletic Association
PO Box 626 
Pineville, North Carolina 28134

Email: [email protected]

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